Thursday, 3 November 2011

Composition of images

So the Dolls in this post were used as I was not allowed to use my kids in the image.  I have added Army Tedda for a bit of variety oh and I dont collect these things my mum gave them too my daughter and I didnt have the heart to throw them out. 

composition basics

People Shots
commonly people take photos of people and its a skill. Here are some basic soncepts on composition I will be putting up a few more of these as we head into our Portiture cometition in a few weeks. 
  1. ELS = Extreme Long Shot (person in their surroundings)
  1. LS = Long Shot (whole body)

  1. MS = medium shot (waist up)

  1. MCU = Medium close-up (mid chest up)

  1. CU = Close-up (head and shoulders)
  1. ECU = Extreme Close-up (face - or eyes!)

  1. OTS = Over the Shoulder

  1. Single = one person in the frame

  1. 2-Shot = two people in the frame
  1. 3-Shot = three people in the frame  

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