Friday 11 November 2011

Alter the Perspective

Alter how you use Perspective
A chair with a 'Normal' Perspective

If your wanting to make your photo more interesting consider changing the perspective.

In Portraiture for example, it is common to take the image using a front on perspective. Consider for something different changing the perspective.   Below are some ideas on ways to get creative with your perspective all have merit when used in the right way.

Birds Eye perspective 
High and above: As it sounds high means take the image from above your commonly known as a birds eye view.  Remember if it's human you can always ask them to move to accomidate the image vision you have.  

Way Down low Perspective
How Low Can You Go: taking an image looking up to your opject.  It can be rather hard when you finally have to get your self off the ground I have hung from rocks to get a perfect shot from below (Never again).  

 p.s. their my kids chairs so their not clean although I was told that once they were ;)
More on Perspectives to come in the coming weeks (If I remember so just remind me)

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